Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I woke up with a massive headache, must be from playing DCUO all night well I managed to get up and get ready to grab my school books for the summer. Crap cost me $310.00 for only three USED books and some supplies. A- was rushing me like I'm labeled with a timestamp about to expire. I came here to get my stuff and go home but after his pushing and irritable mood I decided to sit here and write in my blog and tell him how things are going to go. No need for him to rush me! We had lunch, he has finals and so go smoke go eat and go take your finals. He is so unprepared for everything. He is a speedster with no time dial, he makes you feel like you are on a roller-coaster going downhill with no breaks..And the only thing you can hold onto is his balls and that doesn't even begin to ease things. 

I think when you live under a strict controlled environment you tend to be erratic when freedom becomes available to you so I have to understand that. Anyway, As I am writing this blog we have three large African american females three tables away from me laughing like hyenas in a public community college cafeteria. Why? Shouldn't you be discussing finals or better yet registering for a class on Human interaction and social public relations? 

Things like that make me cringe and wonder how doomed is our nation? When will we teach our young children that we are civilized and learn to control your emotions in public. How bout dress codes and common sense on how or what to wear when you're out in public? For example, if you are a large woman  like in the XXXL's department you shouldn't wear bright pink spandex outside or in ANY public place. Especially in a predominantly suburban white Community College. I am biracial, and have decency and class. I know certain things should not be worn. 

I was in line ordering my lunch in the cafeteria and this chick almost made me drop my lunch, her spandex was so was embarrassing. I couldn't fathom what possessed her ghetto ass to think this was acceptable? She kept blocking me from getting to the register like she wanted me to see her over sized pink -ballooned- ass. It was pouring out of her pants like, "please get me the fuck out!" I wanted to go to the bookstore and get her a pair of sweatpants. 

They need to fix the dress codes for schools including colleges. It is distracting, and not in a good sense either. So when I am in Human anthropology I'll picture the damn Rhesus monkey shaking his baboon ass at YES it can effect your grades.

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