Sunday, October 14, 2012

Right on time/ Kris's ex.

So last night I wanted to talk to an old friend from back in my teen years. And I found a number that I thought was good and called it. BIG mistake apparently it was an ex's phone number and let me tell you this chick was nuttier than squirrel shit. I thought to myself, well...I don't wanna play psycho games with you;but you give me no choice.

 I let this retarded chick go ahead and get her jollies off by replying how impeccable I was for even contacting a number without knowing him/her and she was in fact a "he" and a homosexual man. I heard the voice loud as day and it was definitely a young girl who was scarred by my friend. So when I mentioned, "Cow tipping" and how she may prefer to do that she flipped out and decided to call my number back and so I implemented I was indeed a man who she doesn't know but could if she liked sucking a big black one. And so then she mentioned how she was a male gigolo and needed to go to her clients. I told her we have a special section for her down on lyell ave made and designed by the white trash of that sector. She became infuriated and called me a bitch and all types of usual names in the book. 

If you're going to argue, be creative. Let it hurt. If it doesn't hurt me, you're weak. So of course her arguments were weak and so I let her know straight up: "I love Kris, and always will. I am sorry she hates your guts. :-)." She didn't reply. Which means it hurt her. And I am glad. Don't come out our face to me, I am not the one. I have a very strong persona and don't take shit from anyone if I ever have to beat someone's ass, trust me it would get ugly. 

Kris needs to pick older women with a backbone made of gold. Because that girl was so childish and immature she needed a time out. I am 32 today. whoopee. And I am also grown.
School is great, I had the biggest menstrual cycle of the year this week. It is finally ending and until next time I will be bled free for awhile.  I swear to God I let out a huge blood clot and it looked like Satan's face, it had horns....onto better topics.

My sister has her own place now and we're getting along better, we have our ups and down and her girlfriend is something else though.Always crying and miserable all the time. She is always sulking and trying to take a cut at me because I am usually successful at what I need. I am always helping others out, I like to be on top of my game. I am a bit of a narc. Sometimes. I can be a loving person and understanding but don't cross me because you will feel my wrath, I am definitely vengeful. 

So anyway, I want to see her. I am over this guy thing...I know what  I want. I am horny today and so I am going to look at some awesome porn and think about her kissing me, throwing me on the bed grinding her hips against mine, telling me, I'm hers ad this is what I want. Her eyes are gorgeous, when I first saw her it was instant hit. Yep. I am going to see her again. mark my words. I am going to see her this week.

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