Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Crazy Professor

Have you ever had one of those? A Crazy college professor, the ones who put over 300 pages of work in one day? Well I have. And it isn't stopping any time soon. This lady is a nutjob. Not only is she obsessed with British Literature, she is also a right wing feminist. She takes away 30% of our grade on an Essay that was supposed to be based on one of the 1,000 Women freedom fanatics she "taught" us about. 

      I was about to lose my head when she gave us  5-minute timed Quizzes. Then the Quiz website couldn't handle all the tasks it was given and decided not to save my work (I screenshot this error) and so my Professor says, "I will credit you base on your answers given here to me via email." So I did that, no grade as of yet. I when I was given a 55 on my Essay my grade fell 66%, I flipped out. I told her it has been two weeks and no grade change and now my grade is a 66% a complete insult. I told her I would report her to the Dean and so my quizzes were graded accordingly. People don't understand this, but we have rights as students. There is a reason why Monroe Community College is failing as far as Professors go. They don't know what the HELL they're doing! The Faculty is losing their state funding because they're lacking in teaching department. A lot of them pompous self-entitled pricks. Yesterday the Governor was here at the MCC college I wonder why? Maybe because they want to know why the funding is so high. $1,500.00 for a semester in tuition ONLY. That doesn't cover the parking fees and other extremities.

  My grade was fixed some of the work was graded. Now today she post a general email about how all of failed our Essays and how she apologizes and wishes us the best of luck on the last week and we have another Essay coming. Oh boy, looks like we will all fail her class. And I guarantee you I will send rate my professor to all the students and encourage them to be honest and rate her truthfully. 

Most of these kids in Monroe County are naive and stupid. They just do whatever everyone else does and lie through their teeth. Knowing full well 90% of the faculty is a lost cause to teaching a higher Education. I was wonder why only 30% of MCC students graduated and 56% of students are on Academic probation for failing grades. And the rest of the students are either dropping out or switching to another College. I have looked at other colleges throughout the states and it appears the Florida has the best rated community colleges and the best high school graduation rates. 

New york State is the worst in tuition fees and the worst in graduation in minority schools. So this tells me what I need to know, Get the fuck out. If I want to obtain any type of degree. I have to take two math classes, can't take them online. I have to go into the stupid college and sit in front of a class and do it. So once that is done I am finished with my program. Then I can transfer to a Florida College and move forward with my life. 

I want to take a Grammar class to help me with my run in sentences and fragments, for some odd reason MCC doesn't have a Grammar class for liberal arts. whatever suck my tits, MCC.

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