Tuesday, January 21, 2014

That idea is null and void

I tried to do this over and over and it never works out. I wanted to invite my sister out to live with me. But the bitch is already planning on taking the money to other events like drugs and buying a used truck so she can fly over the Brooklyn Bridge instead of driving my small car. She insults my car and tried to insult my intelligence.

Bitch, you're living in squalor, on welfare. parking tickets and on drugs 24/7. You refuse to finish college because you're obsessing over a female who is in a long term relationship with two kids for over seven years who lives over the railroad tracks in the fancier areas of Greece, NY.While you live on the ghetto side of Rochester. 

I have worked hard to get where I am; the only person who even helped me out was A. I know what the problems are in Rochester, NY. And tried helping you to stick to your plans. You never do. You continue to pretend like things are getting better and not focus on the reality at hand. The eviction is in place. You are to be put out in a few days if welfare refuses to pay your back rent, because you chose not to continue your rehab treatment.

I am seeing now that no one else is going to be on the same page. Bitch, we are not on the same boat. You are living a lie. And people on facebook liking your fake statuses. Thinking you're being productive and motivated. The only motivation you have is going to the YMCA. That's an idea. let's see if you can function long enough without drugs to do it. 

The way you talk to me and to other people I don't know how anyone can like you. I think you find people who are lonely and make them believe you have it all. I am so tired of the games and fights with you. All I called you for was to see if you would have the deposit for the Apartment. Forget it now. I don't want to be around you; I can't stand you. 
You're neurotic.And a control freak for no reason. No one wants your controlled delusions. 

I guess I am going by myself then. Like always. I hate you. I wish to God I had another sister. This life is all types of fucked up. You will never be normal or think widely of others. 

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