Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A week to go, my goals being met.

So today is okay I guess. I have to get my boxes tomorrow to start packing. I also don't want to write here because I have a stalker and I can't stand this person. It's sad because I have fans and I like to keep my fan base open. But I guess I will have to just continue to write and maybe I will forget about this stalker.

I have so many plans and so many things I want to do but never know what will happen tomorrow. I am not sure if he will be going with me. We spend less and less time together and more time apart. We went two weeks without seeing each other and the way it looks might be that we're not going to be together much longer.

I am sure he won't completely shut me out of his life, but he won't stretch his arm out to help. That's typical fr people who break up. Sometimes breaking up isn't done over night it happens gradually. I think when one person is done with the other they will do things that make them seem careless and cold. Instead of helping out with the bills they'll take money and buy other things that leave you in a bind.

Sometimes forcing you to go into the arms of another man to feel close and complete giving it all more the reason to say, "It's over, I am sorry." But I won't do that, because that will only complicate things. I rather wait until the time is right and then maybe I will.

So, tomorrow I will get boxes for my move. I guess dumpsters would be ideal, right? free boxes. Who wants to pay tons of money for boxes when you can get them free.

My college is going good almost finished up here then I will transfer my classes. I will not look back once I move. I am going forward with myself. The experiences I had in Rochester was cold, dark, depressing and stressful. I don't know how I stayed so long. Love is something I forgot about and never thought to continue. 

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