Monday, June 18, 2012

For the moment I loved him

I think now to myself all the things that went wrong and how I could fix the things so next time I meet someone this won't happen again. I'll make sure the next time I date someone he is not on drugs or looking for a way to ruin my life. I did fall for Mina hard. Like my heart ached when he left after we had sex. I felt pained and confused because for a moment in time I thought he and I were going to be an item. Whether it was long term or short term I wasn't sure but what I was sure of is the way I felt. I don't know if I was just reflecting my feelings that I lacked for Akin onto him but it was there, those feelings were undeniable. 

Akin cock-blocked me throughout the whole ordeal. He drama starred in the drama of all that happened between Mina and I. He prevented a great love from co-exisiting. And for that I will get revenge. He moved on with some other skank but prevented me from falling in love or having a potentially successful relationship. I lost every opportunity to be with him and will never get another chance. 

At first I said I was to blame, I blamed myself for everything that took place. I feel in my heart this was a setup from the Devil himself. I was not to be happy but sexually deviant and confused. I think now this time I know what my goals consist of. 

I will get even. Trust me this female will wish she never met him. I will find out who she is. And I can't wait until he humiliated in front of the whole school.

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